Who Are We?
Tater Tots Pediatric Therapy is a non-profit pediatric therapy clinic serving Klamath Falls and the surrounding area. Tater Tots was founded by Kylan and Kayla Taylor, who both grew up in the Klamath Basin and returned to raise their family here after finishing graduate school. The Board of Directors is comprised of community members with a passion for supporting children and finding solutions to challenges our community faces. Our mission is to provide high quality, evidence-based, family-centered therapy services to the underserved children and families of Klamath County and the surrounding rural communities, as well as serve as a community resource that can provide preventive services, educational opportunities, and community events for families. We are so grateful to be able to give back to the community that raised us by providing these services to the current and future children and caregivers of the Klamath Basin.
Donations can also be sent to:
Tater Tots Pediatric Therapy
PO Box 5255
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Kayla Taylor
Physical Therapist

Kylan Taylor
Speech-Language Pathologist

Dena Keppen
Physical Therapist

Hannah Van Meter
Administrative Assistant

Therapy Dog in Training

Physical Therapy

Speech Therapy

Feeding Therapy

Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Phone: (541) 887-2207
Fax: (541) 887-2208
Email: Info@tatertotstherapy.org